Terms & Conditions

  • 1. Application of the General Terms and Conditions

    These standard terms and conditions govern all transactions and agreements made with CBC Company or between CBC Company and purchasers of CBC Company's products. Additionally, these terms and conditions apply to all offers and deliveries by CBC Company unless otherwise agreed upon. Any deviation from these terms and conditions must be explicitly confirmed in writing by CBC Company before or at the time of contract formation to be valid. By placing an order or using this website, the buyer expressly waives the applicability of their own terms and conditions, if any, and accepts CBC Company's terms andconditions.

  • 2. Offers, Acceptance, and Contract Formation

    A contract between CBC Company and the buyer is concluded only upon confirmation of the buyer's order by CBC Company or upon delivery of the ordered goods by CBC Company. CBC Company’s offer and quotes serve to inform the contracting party and are effective for a maximum of 2 weeks. CBC Company is not legally bound by offers and quotes unless otherwise stated. CBC Company’s offers may be modified, including price quotes, at any time and may result in an adjustment to the pricing due to wages, product availability, raw material prices, and shipping rate changes in case of fluctuations of gasoline prices or exchange rates change. CBC Company’s display of items in the online store does not, in itself, constitute a legally binding offer given by CBC Company. CBC Company strives to abide by the offer as given but retains the right to alter items if needed due to production. Offers and quotations do not apply to repeat orders unless the parties have expressly agreed in writing.Orders and quotations are considered accepted if CBC Company confirms such in writing.CBC Company reserves the right to withdraw offers within 3 days of receiving the acceptance, without the contracting party being able to derive any rights from this.

  • 3. Pricing and Payment

    Unless otherwise indicated or agreed upon, all prices quoted by CBC Company shall be applicable in addition to the applicable statutory VAT as well as other costs, such as administration fees, taxes, and travel, shipping, or transport costs. All prices quoted by CBCCompany are in Euros. CBC Company reserves the right to adjust the prices of its products. Orders must be prepaid before starting production. If other terms are applied, CBC Company reserves the right to with hold executing orders and to make a delivery conditional on immediate pay mentor to require security for the total amount of the services or products. If the contracting party has not paid the agreed amount by the last day of the payment period, they are legally in default and in breach of contract, without CBC Company having to send the contracting party a reminder or having to send a notice of default. The contracting party consents to receive invoices only electronically.

    If the contracting party fails to pay within the agreed period, CBC Company shall be entitled to charge the statutory interest rate of 8% per month for commercial transactions from the day the contracting party is in default, with part of a month counting as a whole month. If the contracting party is in default, it shall also owe extrajudicial collection costs and any damages to CBC Company. Collection costs are calculated according to the Decree on compensation for extrajudicial collection costs.In the event of liquidation, bankruptcy, attachment or suspension of payments on the part of the contracting party, CBC Company's claims against the contracting party shall become immediately due and payable.

  • 4. Delivery

    Unless agreed otherwise, the goods will be delivered to CBC Company’s warehouse or the address specified by the contracting party in the main agreement. Should CBC Company be unable to deliver due to issues from the contracting party, the contracting party owes CBCCompany the extra costs that may incur due to the inability to deliver. CBC Company reserves the right to forego this compensation. These issues can include but are not limited to cases where the contracting party does not provide CBC Company with the necessary information to ship properly such as a phone number, email recipient, availability to accept the package and paying customs fees if necessary. CBC Company reserves the right to forego this compensation. Delivery times quoted by CBC Company are indicative and, if exceeded, shall not entitle the contracting party to rescission or compensation unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in writing. Exceeding the stated delivery time does not entitle the contracting party to compensation or the right to dissolve the agreement unless CBCCompany is unable to deliver within 14 days after written notice or the parties have agreed otherwise. A late payment or inability to provide require print details and data will cause the delivery date to be delayed. Production, and hereby delivery time, will begin after the contracting party has made full payment of the order, if not other commercial terms explicitly are agreed upon. In any case, CBC Company shall be exempt from both its delivery obligations and its liabilities for late deliveries in the event of a force majeure. Instances of force majeure include but are not limited to supplier delays in delivering raw materials, strikes or lockouts, import or export restrictions, fire, wars, riots, natural disasters, or any other circumstances beyond CBC Company's control.

  • 5. Transport and Transfer of Risk

    Transport expenses are always paid for by the contracting party, unless otherwise agreed in writing. These expenses include customs and duties unless otherwise agreed upon. The contracting party is always responsible for any damage, loss, or potential delays caused by courier services or mail-order businesses throughout the shipping process. The contracting party may request a specific courier service but will continue to carry the transport risk. The applicable statutory provisions shall apply to the risk of accidental destruction, loss, degradation, or damage to the contractual products.

  • 6. Retention of Title

    Until full payment has been received, all items delivered by CBC Company shall remain CBCCompany's property. The reserved products will remain CBC Company's property until allclaims, future or existing, CBC Company has against the contracting party have beensatisfied, regardless of legal justifications. All claims resulting from the resale of items thatare still the property of CBC Company are automatically transferred to CBC Company. CBCCompany reserves the right, in case of non-payment to sell the items to a third party. Thecontracting party has no right to seek reimbursement or compensation in such a case.

  • 7. Obstacles or delays that affect performance

    In the case that a force majeure event makes the performance for CBC Company impossible or excessively difficult, CBC Company shall have the right to terminate the agreement. In the case of such an event, CBC Company shall notify the contracting party as soon as possible of such an event. If CBC Company is not just temporarily unable to deliver the contractual products because of a supplier not upholding its contractual commitments to CBC Company, CBC Company, through no fault of its own and having tried to remedy the situation within reasonability, shall be entitled to terminate the contract.

  • 8. Acceptance and Challenge of Items and Warranty

    CBC Company warrants that the contractual products it has provided are free from flaws and have all the qualities it has promised. Still, a warranty has to be expressly given. The warranty relating to products applies only to defects caused by faulty manufacture, construction, or material. The warranty does not apply in the case of normal wear and tear and damage caused by accidents, modifications made to the product, negligence, or incompetent use by the contracting party, as well as when the cause of the defect cannot be clearly determined. The contracting party shall examine a product delivered or service provided by CBC Company for any defects immediately. If a product delivered or service rendered does not meet the agreed specifications or is defective in any way, the contracting party must notify CBC Company in writing within 7 days of receipt. Failure to do so will constitute acceptance of the product or service.

  • 9. Scope and General Information

    These general terms and conditions apply to services via the website “www.custombrandedclothing.com” ,which is operated by CBC Company, a company underDutch law, Chambre of Commerce number: 88719731, Address: Javakade 732, 1019 SH,Amsterdam, The Netherlands. CBC Company is the owner of the products produced as Custom Branded Clothing and is here in after referred to as CBC Company. Please note that the services provided by CBC Company on the internet do not constitute an offer to conclude a contract with the users of the website. Access to this website is subject to the following Terms & Conditions: Were commend that you read the general terms and conditions carefully before using the website. All material on this website is subject to change without notice. Although CBCCompany takes care to ensure that this website contains correct and up-to-date information,

    the company assumes no guarantee or warranty as to the content of the website. CBC Company assumes no liability for the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information contained on the website cbccompany.com. CBC Company reserves the right to change the contents of the www.custombrandedclothing.com website in any way, at anytime, for any reason, and without notice, and is in no way liable for any consequences of such changes. CBC Company presents the products on this website as accurately as possible. Unfortunately, it cannot be avoided that colors and shapes on the respective screens do not correspond to the actual occurrences. Furthermore, CBC Company cannot guarantee that the descriptions and illustrations of the products are always free of errors and that the products correspond exactly to the expectations of the customers. CBC Company cannot be held liable for any damages, costs, or losses incurred as a result of using the www.custombrandedclothing.com website, nor the use of links and/or email addresses provided by CBC Company. To the extent permitted by law, these Terms & Conditions are subject to Dutch law. As far as legally permissible, Amsterdam/The Netherlands shall be the place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising from the legal relationship between the customer and CBC Company. CBC Company is also entitled to sue at the customer’s domicile.

  • 10. Data Protection

    CBC Company observes all data protection requirements. The data of the customer are only collected and processed for the execution of the respective free design and product offer. For the storage of the data, the legal regulations apply. For the rest, CBC Company refers to thedata protection declaration.

  • 11. Severability Clausen

    Should any provision of these terms and conditions be or become invalid or un enforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

  • 12. Assignment

    You may not transfer, assign, charge, or otherwise dispose of any rights or obligations under any contract between you and CBC Company to any third party without our prior consent.

  • 13. Website content, Trademarks & Copyright

    All content on the website cbccompany.com (including, without limitation, images, photos, design, text, logos, graphics, icons, audio/video clips, downloads, interfaces, information, materials, code, and software as well as the selection and arrangement) are the exclusive property of CBC Company, its licensors, or its content providers and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws. Website users may access, copy, download, and print the content of the website for personal and non-commercial use only, provided that users do not modify or delete any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices appearing on the website content which the user’s access, copy, download, or print. Any other use of any content on the website is prohibited including, but not limited to, the modification, distribution, transmission, broadcasting, posting, uploading, licensing, reverse engineering, transfer or sale of or creation of derivative works of content, products, or services, which are obtained from the website or the use of the website for purposes that compete with CBC Company.